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The Ribbon Eel, or Ribbon Moray Eel, has unique characteristics include a long "ribbon-like" body, delicate jaws, and tubular anterior nostrils capped with an elaborate fan-like expansion.

The colors of this eel can vary dramatically as it grows in length. The juvenile is jet-black with a yellow dorsal fin. When it reaches 25-32 inches in length, it transforms itself into a male and will become a bright blue with a yellow snout and lower jaw. As it grows and reaches a length of 33 or more inches, it will transform into a female and become entirely yellow or yellow-blue.

The Ribbon Eel should be kept in a 100 gallon or larger aquarium with a deep (4-5 inch) sandy bottom under which it can live and hide. Its refuge may be a cave, man-made corals, or a PVC pipe that is buried in the sand with only one opening. The aquarium requires a tight-fitting lid to prevent escape.

The Ribbon Eel feeds on live feeder fish, crab, or shrimp and does not want to compete for food.



Ribbon Eel: Blue - Rhinomuraena quaesita EXPERT ONLY


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